Sunday, January 22, 2012

Can you Say No easily? I really can't stand hardselling from beauty salon

(Credit: the Jessica Giggles blog )

Ok, I've been a girl who find it hard to say NO. Nicey girl you think? Yea, maybe because I just hate the word NO, so naturally I hate to say the word NO.  So when it comes to hard selling, I always seem to find it hard to say NO.  (I wish I could be those heck care attitude kind who couldn't give a damn)

And naturally I signed up for a facial package ( yes, hard to say no) and I told myself enough is enough, I want to get out of this hole. Once you stepped in, it's hard to get out. I happily went for my facials and finally when I was down to my last 2 sessions, the hard selling was brought in. I was actually glad I remained unscathed for the previous sessions. Now with just last 2 sessions left, I was confronted with the salesman tactics all over again. 

I escaped this time.. It was so good to say NO. I wavered, I hesitated but in the end I said the big NO. You know what, it was a liberating feeling, like the rebellious monster inside me was unleashed. I felt so confident walking out of the salon and feeling proud of myself having waved off the hardsell. Whoa, the feeling of confidence was almost on par with walking away with a much coveted branded bag! 

I wondered how long I can escape for the last 2 sessions, especially the last sessions. I was already thinking a series of tactics in my head. Maybe I could brave it out and just say NO in their face. Maybe I could just pretend I was sick and can't make good decisions. Maybe.. Maybe .. Maybe.. Aha..! Maybe I should just go for my facials without my wallet! I'll just bring a pathetic 10 bucks and walk in feeling poor.  I'll try this tactic and see if it really works...

At the core, it's just me. The fear of rejecting someone... maybe I was trying to please many people in my life, right down to some stranger who was trying to make me part my money.. Oh.. I wish I have the courage to say the big word NO easily! 

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